Stroud District Community Independents
Stroud District Community Independents
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Data privacy | Stroud District Community Independents
Data Privacy Statement
Contact details
Name: Ben Challis
Address: 12 Arundel Drive, Stroud, GL5 3SH
Phone number: 07404 546064
The type of information we collect
We currently collect and process the following information:
  • Personal identifiers and contact details, including area of residence (ward level), e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful basis we rely on for processing this information is your consent.
You can remove your consent at any time.You can do this by contacting
How we get the personal information and why we have it
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:
  • You have completed our survey, subscribed to our newsletter, signed up to our mailing list or engaged through our social media channels (including whatsapp)
  • You have provided your personal information directly to one of our volunteers or candidates.
We may receive personal information indirectly through social media service providers, where you have engaged with the Community Independents via their platform (such as What’s App or Facebook).
We use the information that you have given us to inform our campaigning activities: including providing you with updates on our campaign, activities and events; to seek your views on issues related to the area in which you live; and to provide you with information on how to get involved.
We may share this information with candidates and/or volunteers working on behalf of the Community Independents campaign. We will never share your information with any third-party organisation.
Date: 30/01/2024